In association with an international engineering firm, completed a report that assisted the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), Phoenix, Arizona, in fulfilling its responsibilities under the regulations of Public Law 92-500.
The purpose of this study was to:
- Determine and document the existing financial, operating and management practices relating to publicly owned sewer systems in each of the eighteen City members of the Maricopa Association of Governments
- Evaluate each community’s degree of compliance with the provisions of Section 204(b) of Public Law 92-500 as amended
- Develop guidelines and procedures to assist the MAG 201 Program and the eighteen communities in preparation and adoption of EPA-approvable and implementable user charge/ICR ordinances, interagency contracts, and industrial pretreatment requirements.
Following completion of this study, the engagement team was asked to assist MAG and the eighteen communities in the development and implementation of an approvable and implementable revenue program.