With partner GCAP Services, served Caltrans under two successive Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Supportive Services contracts providing technical services in all functional disciplines. Conducted outreach to identify, contact and signup small businesses for DBE certification and contract bid opportunities. Designed and conducted management training workshops, onsite and online, to provide practical educational and real-world experiences. Including:
- Assessed client’s service needs and developed a business plan to improve immediate and long-term business management, record keeping, and financial accounting practices.
- Conducted individual & course training and technical assistance in: analyzing standard specifications, project plans, and requests for proposals (RFP); estimating and bidding methodologies; navigating highway construction and professional services contract Web sites like Caltrans, BidSync, others; obtaining surety bonding and financial assistance, commercial term loans, revolving lines of credit, liability insurance; compliance daily logs, invoicing, reports, certified payroll, and close out.
- Assistance with a transition plan to contribute to long-term development, increased opportunities, and eventual self-sufficiency.
Conducted the 1991 Statewide Travel Survey as part of a specialized marketing and marketing research team for The State of California, Department of Transportation (Caltrans). This major project conducted every 10 years is to update the statewide travel database on household, socioeconomic, and travel information used to forecast and model transportation needs throughout the State.
The questionnaire and telephone survey methodology were specifically designed to collect, analyze and report pertinent household travel data that addresses the changing demographics; growing residential communities; shifts in employment centers, traffic patterns; and travel behavior as well as impacts from regulatory agencies, such as the Air Quality Management District (AQMD), and local governments, that have enacted additional regulations centered on traffic abatement.
The purpose of the 1991 Statewide Travel Survey was to:
- Update household socioeconomic and travel data to ensure that travel estimates and forecasts reflect current behavior.
- Examine changes in trip generation rates, travel mode, trip length, and vehicle occupancy rates.
- Establish socioeconomic/travel relationships to be used in calibrating regional and statewide travel forecasting models.
- Provide Caltrans with information that will aid in planning transportation needs throughout the State.